Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Murderous spies


Israeli Jew spies and murderers
click on picture - The Lord Jesus Christ said: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.


Total Criminal Corruption
click on picture

Thursday, November 1, 2012

IA for research purposes and meant to be shared with those conducting inquiries in global intelligence.

IA for research purposes and meant to be shared with those conducting inquiries in global intelligence

Intelligence Agencies and Links


Following is a list of intelligence agencies (and links wherever possible) assembled for research purposes and meant to be shared with those conducting inquiries in global intelligence. The list is neither comprehensive nor authoritative in the sense that its contents are warranted to be accurate and complete – nor ever could be a list like this. Predictably, the contents of each site are not always in English; however, occasionally one gets surprised by which agencies do provide translations.

As a caution to the researcher, when one contacts a foreign intelligence agency – or a domestic one, for that matter – care must be exercised in anticipating the writer may be exposing oneself or his/her computer to unwanted attention by a foreign power. In other words, use this list at your own peril. To date, I have experienced no such difficulties, but the technology exists to wreak havoc should an agency be so disposed. For example, tracking software has been reported discovered in machines that downloaded US Department of Homeland Security files. It is not unreasonable to expect the same from less friendly powers.

Although I’ve conducted no specific study to support this observation, it appears that the less transparent a government, the less likely it will be linked to a computer website. [Common sense dictates as much in any case.] However, it is equally important to understand that the rest of the world is not as “wired” as are the US and UK; and so, in many countries it may not make economic sense to have a public website no matter how transparent the government. Therefore, the researcher is cautioned not to read too much into it if an intelligence agency is not listed with a web address. US Naval Postgraduate School

If the reader has additions or corrections to this list, please advise me at your earliest convenience. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Federation of American Scientists in providing portions of this list and, if the reader would wish to examine third-party details of a foreign intelligence agency, FAS is usually a good resource for broad detail (www.fas.org/). Also, the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (www.ialeia.org/) and its founder Maj. Brian S. Boyd, USA (ret.), are to be thanked, as well as the Russian organization Agentura (http://www.agentura.ru/english/press/links/). The list will be updated whenever possible and next I hope to provide a list of US state intelligence agencies, particularly of state joint intelligence centers.


Multinational Intelligence Agencies

Europol http://www.europol.eu.int/

Financial Transaction Task Forcehttp://www.fatf-gafi.org/


Permanent Committee for the Control of Intelligence Serviceshttp://www.comiteri.be/index_en.html

US Intelligence Agencies

Air Intelligence Agency http://aia.lackland.af.mil/aia/

Central Intelligence Agency https://www.cia.gov/

Defense Intelligence Agency http://www.dia.mil/

Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence http://www.energy.gov/nationalsecurity/intelligence_counterterrorism.htm

Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/interapp/editorial/editorial_0646.xml

Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research http://www.state.gov/s/inr/

Drug Enforcement Agency http://www.dea.gov/

Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Branch http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel05/nsbleadership081205.htm

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network http://www.fincen.gov/

Marine Corps Intelligence Activity http://www.quantico.usmc.mil/display.aspx?Section=MCIA

National Counter-Terrorism Center http://www.nctc.gov/

National Drug Intelligence Center http://www.usdoj.gov/ndic/

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency http://www.nga.mil/portal/site/nga01/index.jsp?front_door=true

National Reconnaissance Office http://www.nro.gov/

National Security Agency http://www.nsa.gov/

Navy Intelligence http://www.nmic.navy.mil/

US Army Intelligence and Security Command http://www.inscom.army.mil/

US Coast Guard Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center Atlantic http://www.uscg.mil/lantarea/mifclant/commandinfo.htm

US Intelligence Community http://www.intelligence.gov/1-members.shtml

US State Department, Office of the Coordinator of Counter-Terrorism http://www.state.gov/s/ct/

US Treasury, Department of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/enforcement/

US Special Operations Command http://www.socom.mil/

Intelligence Agencies by Country

CNI (Central Nacional de Inteligencia), National Intelligence Center

ENI (Escuela Nacional de Inteligencia), National Intelligence School

Gendarmería Nacional Argentina

Policía Federal Argentina, Federal Police of Argentina

SIDE (Secretaría de Inteligencia de Estada), Secretariat of State Intelligence

Australian Intelligence Agencies

Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence

Australian Computer Emergency Response Team

Australian Federal Police

Australian Intelligence Corps (Army)

Australian Secret Intelligence Organization

Australian Secret Intelligence Service

AUSTRAC, Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre

Defence Signals Directorate

New South Wales Police Service

Northern Territory Police Service

Office of National Assessments

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Queensland Police Service

Royal Australian Air Force, Directorate of Security and Intelligence

Royal Australian Navy

South Australian Police Service

Tasmania Police

Victoria Police

Western Australia Police Service


Generaldirektion für die Öffentliche Sicherheit – General Directorate for Public Security

Nachrichtendienstliche Abwehr – Army Counterintelligence Service
Nachrichtendienstliche Aufklärung – Army Intelligence Service


Le département d'état-major Renseignement et Sécurité

Police Fédérale/Police Politie – The Federal Police

Veiligheid van de Staat (SV) (Dutch) or Surete de l'Etat (SE) (French) – Federal Intelligence and Security Agency

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Agencija za Informacije I Dokumentaciju (AID, Information and Documentation Agency)

Drzavna Bezbednost (DB, Serb State Security)

Sluzba Nacionalne Sigurnosti (SNS, National Security Service), Serb intelligence in Bosnia – no longer exists


ABIN (Agência Brasileira de Inteligência), Brazilian Intelligence Agency
SAE (Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos), Strategic Affairs Secretariat (???)Bulgaria

Defense Information Service

National Intelligence Service


National Security Service


Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Communications Security Establishment

Criminal Intelligence Service Canada

Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces, Intelligence Branch

Royal Canadian Mounted Police


ANI (Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia), National Intelligence Agency

Carabineros de Chile Carabineros

DIDN (Dirección de Inteligencia de la Defensa Nacional), Directorate of National Defense Intelligence

Dirección de Seguridad Pública e Informaciones, Directorate of Public Security and Information

Investigations Police


General Staff Department – Second Department, Military Intelligence & Fusion

General Staff Department – Third Department, Communications Intelligence

General Staff Department – Fourth department, Electronics Intelligence
Ministry of Public Security

MSS (Guojia Anquan Bu – Guoanbu), Ministry of State Security

People’s Armed Police

PLA (People’s Liberation Army), 8341 Unit: Central Security Regiment

PLA, International Liaison Department

PLA, China Association for International Friendly Contacts

PLA Navy – Naval Intelligence

PLA Air Force – 6th Research Institute

Air Force Intelligence

Army Intelligence

DAS El Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad

DIPOL (la Dirección de Inteligencia de la Policía Nacional)

El Cuerpo Técnico de Investigaciones

La Unidad de Información y Análisis Financiero

Navy Intelligence

Costa Rica

Dirección de Seguridad del Estado, State Security Directorate


Department of International Military Cooperation

HIS (Hrvatska Izvestajna Sluzba), Croatian Intelligence Service

HRM (Hrvatska Ratna Mornarica), Croatian Navy

HRZ (Hrvatsko Ratno Zrakoplovstvo), Croatian Air Force

KOOZ (Koordinacijski Odbor Obavjestajne Zajednice), Intelligence Community Coordination Committee

NS (Nadzorna Sluzba) - Control and Supervision Service

NSEI (Nacionalna Sredisnjica Elektronickog Izvidanja), National Service for Electronic Monitoring

OA (Obavestajna Akademija), Intelligence Academy

OBS (Obavestajna Bezbednostna Sluzba), Security Intelligence Service

ObU-GS-OS (Obavestajna Uprava pri Glavnom Stozeru Oruzanih Snaga), Directorate of Intelligence Affairs of the Croatian Army Headquarters

OSHV (Obavestajna Sluzba Hrvatske Vojska), Intelligence Service of the Croatian Army

SIS (Sigurnosno Izvestajna Sluzba), Security Information Service

SO (Stozer Osiguranja), Security Headquarters

SONS (Stozerni Odbor za Nacionalnu Sigurnost), Joint National Security Committee

SZUP (Sluzba Za Zastitu Ustavnog Poretka), Service for the Protection of the Constitutional Order
UNS (Ured Za Nacionalnu Sigurnost), The National Security Office

Ured za nacionalnu sigurnost, National Security Office



DA (Departmento America), America Department

DGI (Dirección General de Inteligencia), General Intelligence Directorate

Dirección de Contra-Inteligencia Militar, Military Counterintelligence Department

Dirección de Inteligencia Militar, Military Intelligence Directorate

Czech Republic

BIS (Bezpečnostní informační služba), Security Information Service



FET (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste), Defense Intelligence Service


PET (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste), Danish Security Intelligence Service



Jihaz Amn al Daoula, State Security Service

Mukhabarat al-Aama, Al-Mukhabarat al-'Ammah, General Intelligence and Security Service

Mubahath el-Dawla, General Directorate of State Security Investigations

Mukhabarat el-Khabeya, Military Intelligence Service


Kaitsepolitseiamet, Security Police Board

Pääesikunnan Tiedusteluosasto, General Staff Intelligence Division, Military Intelligence Service

SUPO (Suojelupoliisi), Security Police


54 ème Escadron de Renseignement Air, 54th Air Intelligence Wing

BRGE (Brigade de Renseignement et de Guerre Electronique), Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Brigade

CAP (Centre d’analyse et de prevision), Analysis and Forecasting Center

CNCIS (Commission Nationale de Controle des Interceptions de Securite), National Commission for the Control of Security Interceptions

CRS (Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité), Companies for Republican Security

DCPJ (Direction Centrale Police Judiciaire), Judicial Police

DGSE (Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure), General Directorate for External Security

DISSI (Delegation Interministerielle a la Securite des Systemes d'Information), Interministerial Office for Information Systems Security Service

DPSD (Direction de la Protection et de la Securite de la Defense), Directorate for Defense Protection and Security
DST (Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire), Directorate of Territorial Security

RG (Direction Centrale Renseignement Generaux), General Information Service

SCSSI (Service central de la sécurité des systèmes d'informations), Central Service for Information System Security


AFMBw (Amt für Fernmeldwesen Bundeswehr), Office for Radio Monitoring of the Federal Armed Forces

ANBw (Amt für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr), Office of Intelligence of the Federal Armed Forces

BfV (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz), Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

BKA (Bundeskriminalamt), Federal Criminal Office

BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst), Federal Intelligence Service

BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik), Federal Office for Information Technology Security

LfV (Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz), State Office for the Protection of the Constitution
MAD (Militaerischer Abschirmdienst),


Hellenic National Intelligence Service


IH (Információs Hivatal), Information Agency

KBH Katonai Biztonsági Hivatal, Military Security Agency

KFH Katonai Felderito Hivatal, Military Detection Agency

NBH (Nemzetbiztonsági Hivatal), National Security Office

NBSzSz (Nemzetbiztonsági SzakSzolgálat), National Security Services


BIN (Badan Intelijen Negara), State Intelligence Agency


Joint Committee for Special Operations

Military Intelligence

MOIS, Ministry of Intelligence and Security

Qods, Pasdaran- e Enghelab-e Islami, Jerusalem Force, Guardians of the Islamic Revolution

SAVAK, Ministry of Security

VEVAK, Vezarat-e Ettela'at va Amniat-e Keshvar


In transition. For historical information regarding the regime of Saddam Hussein, please consult the website of the Federation of American Scientists.


G-2 Military Intelligence Branch, Irish Defence Forces

Sciathán Fianóglach an Airm, Army Ranger Wing


Agaf ha-Modi'in (Aman), Military Intelligence

Center for Political Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim (Mossad), Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks

Leshkat Kesher Madai (Lekem), Bureau of Scientific Relations

Sherut ha-Bitachon ha-Klali (Shabak - Shin Bet), Israel Security Service


I Servizi di Informazione e Sicurezza, Ministry of Interior Intelligence and Security Services

Segreteria Generale del CESIS, The Italian Intelligence and Security Services,

Servizi di Informazione e Sicurezza della Repubblica Italiana, Intelligence and Security Services of the Republic of Italy

Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Democratica, Intelligence and Democratic Security Service

Chobetsu (Chosa Besshitsu)

DIH Defense Intelligence Headquarters

DIO Jouhou Honbu Defence Intelligence Office

Fleet Intelligence Command

Homusho, Ministry of Justice

Intelligence and Analysis Bureau (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Intelligence Division (to NKJ)

Intelligence Office (to NRJ)

JETRO Japanese External Trade Organization

Koancho, Public Security Investigation Agency

METI (Tsûsanshô), Ministry of International Trade and Industry [formerly MITI]

MOFA (Gaimusho), Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Naicho, Cabinet Research Office

Nihon Kaijyo Jieitai, Maritime Self-Defense Force

Nihon Koku Jieitai, Air Self-Defense Force

Nihon Rikujyo Jieitai, Ground Self-Defense Force

NPA (Keisatsuchô), National Police Agency

NPSC, National Police Safety Committee

Security Bureau


Dairat al Mukhabarat, General Intelligence Department

NSIS, Kenyan National Security Intelligence Service

Korea (Republic of Korea)

ANSP, Agency for National Security Planning

Defense Security Command
Homeland Reserve Force
KCIA, Korean Central Intelligence Agency
Korea Information Security Agency
Ministry of National Defense
National Intelligence Service

National Police Agency http://www.npa.go.kr/index.jsp

PSS Presidential Security Service


2ieme Bureau de l'Armee, 2nd Bureau of the Army

HCSE Haute Commissariat de la Securite Exterieure), High Commission for Foreign Security

SRDE (Service de Renseignements de l'Etat), (National intelligence agency)


CENDRO, Center for Drug Control Planning

CISEN, (Centro de Información de Seguridad Nacional), Center for Research on National Security

DGT, General Transmissions Directorate

FEADS, Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Health

Federal Military Judicial Police

INCD, National Institute for Combating Drugs

PGR (Procuraduría General de la República), Attorney General of the Republic

PJDF (Policía Judicial del Distrito Federal), Federal District Judicial Police

PJE (Policía Judicial Estatal), State Judicial Police

PJF, (Policía Judicial Federal), Federal Judicial Police

S-2 Second Section (Military Intelligence)

SEDENA (Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional), Secretariat of National Defense

SM (Secretaría de Marina), Secretariat of the Navy

SRE (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores), Secretariat of Foreign Relations

SSP (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Servicios a la Justicia), Secretariat of Public Security

DST, Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire, Moroccan Secret Service

New Zealand

Government Communications Services Bureau

New Zealand Police

Security Intelligence Service


AIVD (Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst), General Intelligence and Security Service

Bijzondere Bijstands Eenheid, Special Help Union Anti-Terrorist Service

KLPD (Korps landelijke politiediensten), Commission of National Police Services

Kmar/BD&V (Koninklijke Marechaussee, Bijzondere Dienst en Veiligheid), Military Police, Special Section for Intelligence and Security

MIVD (Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst), Military Intelligence and Security Service


DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency

FIIB, Federal Investigation and Intelligence Bureau

Ministry of Internal Affairs
National Guard

National Drug Law Enforcement Agency

NIA, National Intelligence Agency
NPF, Nigeria Police Force
NSO, Nigerian Security Organisation

PRC, Provisional Ruling Council
Special Bodyguard Unit
SSS, State Security Service
North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea)

Cabinet General Intelligence Bureau

Chosen Soren, General Association of Korean Residents in Japan

Liaison Department

Ministry of Public Security

RDEI, Research Department for External Intelligence

Reconnaissance Bureau (General Staff Department)

State Security Department

State Safety & Security Agency

Etterretningstjenesten, Norwegian Intelligence Service

Forsvarets sikkerhetstjeneste, Joint Defense Security Service

Kontrollutvalget for overvåkings- og sikkerhetstjenesten, Control Committee for the Intelligence and Security Services
Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste, National Police Security Service


Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence

Ehtesab (Accountability) Bureau

Federal Investigation Agency

Intelligence Bureau

Military Intelligence

Narcotics Control Division

Special Services Group

Palestinian Authority

Civil Police

General Intelligence

National Security Service

Presidential Guards

Preventive Security Agency


Armed Forces of the Philippines Intelligence Service

National Intelligence Coordinating Bureau


Agencja Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrznego, Internal Security Agency

Agencja Wywiadu, Foreign Intelligence Agency

Wojskowe Sluzby Informacyjne, Military Intelligence Services


Serviço de Informações Militares, Military Intelligence Service

Serviço de Informações de Segurança, Security Intelligence Service

SIEDM (Serviço de Informações Estratégicas de Defesa e Militares), Strategic Defense and Military Intelligence Service

SIRP (Sistema de Informações da República Portuguesa), Intelligence System of the Republic of Portugal


Directia generala de informatii si protectie interna, General Directorate for Intelligence and Internal Protection

General Directorate for Defense Intelligence

Independent Service for Protection and Anticorruption

SIE (Serviciul de informatii externe), Foreign Intelligence Service

SIPA (Serviciul independent pentru protectie si anticoruptie)

SPP Guard and Protection Service

SRI (Serviciul roman de informatii) Romanian Intelligence Service


CSR (Centralnaya Sluzhba Razvedky), Central Intelligence Service

FAPSI (Federal'naya Agenstvo Pravitel'stvennoy Svayazi i Informatsii), Federal Agency for Government Communications & Information

FPS (Federal'naya Pogranichnaya Sluzhba), Federal Border Service

FSB (Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti), Federal Security Service

FSK (Federal'naya Sluzhba Kontr-razvedky), Federal Counterintelligence Service
FSO (Federal'naya Sluzhba Okhrani), Federal Protective Service

GosTekhKomissiya (Gosudarstvennaya Tekhnicheskaya Komissiya), State Technical Commission

GRU (Glavnoye Razvedovatel'noye Upravlenie), Main Intelligence Directorate

GUO (Glavnoye Upravlenie Okhrani Rossiiskoy Federatsii), Main Administration for the Protection of the Russian Federation

GUSP – Headquarters for the President’s Special Programs

KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti ), Committee for State Security

MBR (Ministerstvo Bezopasnosti Rosii), Security Ministry of Russia

MVD (Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del), Ministry of Internal Affairs

PSB (Prezidentskaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti), Presidential Security Service
SOUD (Sistema Objedinyonnogo Uchota Dannych o Protivnike), Interlinked System for Recognizing EnemiesSVR (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki), Foreign Intelligence Service

BIAS (Bezbednosno-Informativna Agencija), Security Intelligence Agency

Slovak Intelligence Service

Slovenska Obvešèevalno-Varnostna Agencija, Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency


Centro de Inteligencia y Seguridad, Intelligence and Security Center

CIFAS (Centro de Inteligencia de las Fuerzas Armadas), Center of Intelligence of the Armed Forces

CNI (Centro Nacional de Inteligencia), National Intelligence Center

Comisaría General de Información, General Commissariat of Information

Comisión Delegada del Gobierno Para Asuntos de Inteligencia, Delegate Commission of the Government for Matters of Intelligence

Cuerpo Nacional de Policia, National Police Corps

División de Información, Division of Information

Sección de Informacion, Section of Information

Servicio de Información de la Guardia Civil, Information Service of Civil Guard

South Africa

National Defence Force Intelligence Division

NIA, National Intelligence Agency

NICOC, National Intelligence Co-ordinating Committee

SAPS, South African Police Service
South African Secret Service

`Al Amn al-Dakhili' (Internal Security)

`Al Amn al-Khariji' (External Security)

FOI (Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut), Swedish Defense Research Establishment

Försvarets materielverk, Swedish Defense Materiel Administration


MUST (Militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänsten), Military Intelligence and Security Service

SAPO (Säkerhetspolisen), Swedish Security Police


Air Force Intelligence Section

AIS (Armed Forces Intelligence Service)

BAP (Bundesamt für Polizei), Federal Office of Police

SIS, Strategic Intelligence Service
SND (Strategischer Nachrichtendienst)

SRS (Service de renseignement stratégique)


Idarat al-Amn al-'Amm, General Intelligence Directorate

Idarat al-Amn al-Siyasi, Political Security Directorate

Idarat al-Mukhabarat al-Jawiyya, Air Force Intelligence Directorate

Shu'bat al-Mukhabarat al-'Askariyya, Military Intelligence Service

Investigation Bureau, Justice Ministry
Military Police Command
Ministry of National Defense (Military Intelligence Bureau)
National Police Administration Interior Ministry

National Security Bureau


Milli Istihbarat Teskilati (MIT), National Intelligence Organization


Main Intelligence Directorate (sub-function of SBU)

SBU (Sluzhba Bespeky Ukrayiny), Security Service of Ukraine (a/k/a SSU)

United Kingdom

Communications Electronics Security Group

Government Communications Headquarters

London Metropolitan Police

MI5 – UK Security Service

MI6 – Secret Intelligence Service

Serious and Organized Crime Agency (National Criminal Intelligence Service)

UK Intelligence Community

Monday, October 22, 2012

The First Amendment: Retired FBI Agent, Division Chief, in charge of Los Angeles, Ted Gunderson

The First Amendment: Retired FBI Agent, Division Chief, in charge of Los Angeles, Ted Gunderson
scroll down through articles using Older Posts link at the bottom of the articles to the right hand side

one of several articles

Ted Gunderson:

Ted Gunderson

SeeChip Tatum


[vid] Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI

[2008] FBI Agent: 'Sonny Bono Was Clubbed To Death'

[EW May 2006] Gunderson Update--Don Croft

Ted Gunderson report

Lawsuit v Art Bell

Videos http://www.preferrednetwork.com/mindvideo.htm

Ted Gunderson Speech to Congressional Hearing on Child Protection 3/13/04

[2004] Exposing Satanism, Child Abuse, and Murder in America's Heartland

Transcript of 12 hours of radio interview of Chip Tatum on Intelligence Report. Ted Gundersson interviewe 1999.

BooksThe Mystery of the Carefully Crafted Hoax by Ted Gunderson

Quotes Gunderson had this to say: "The Finders-A CIA front established in the 1960's. It has top clearance and protection in its assigned task of kidnapping and torture-programming young children throughout the U.S. Members are specially trained government kidnappers known to be sexual degenerates who involve the kidnapped children in satanic sex orgies and bloody rituals as well as the murders of other children and slaughter of animals.
They use a fleet of unmarked vans to grab targeted children from parks and schoolyards. In doing so they use children within their organization as decoys to attract the victims close to the vans where they are grabbed by adults. They then drug the children and transport them to a series of safe houses for safe keeping. They are then used in their ceremonies for body parts, sex slaves and some are auctioned off at various locations in the northern hemisphere. In the past they have been auctioned off near a location in Nevada and Toronto , Canada . Marion David Pettie, the leader of the cult, is an identified homosexual pedophile and a CIA officer. His son was an employee of a CIA proprietary firm, Air America , which was notorious for smuggling drugs, destined for the U.S. , out of the Golden Triangle into Saigon during the Vietnam war." (26) [1997] Sex, Drugs, the CIA, MIND CONTROL and Your Children By A.B.H. Alexander

I've got documentation that goes back to 1776. Adam Vissow (sp?), who established the Illuminati, I think that's when really they made a first - the first real organized effort to control the media, to control the population, and to take over and destroy the sovereignty of various nations, and to destroy our religions. And I have a video, a four-hour lecture that I give, on the Illuminati, and how it affects our lives today. And if any of you folks are interested in that four-hour lecture - and it's dynamite stuff, I've been told - been complimented many times on it - you can send $35 to Ted Gunderson, Post Office Box 18000-18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. That's $35 to Ted Gunderson, Post Office 18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. Transcript of 12 hours of radio interview of Chip Tatum on Intelligence Report. Ted Gundersson interviewe 1999.

I have a video that’s available – it’s called “The Panama Deception,” and it’s a must for you folks. You must buy this. It’s an hour and 43 minutes long, and it costs $35. It’s worth every bit of it.
Besides that, most drugs – I mean, most crimes that are committed in this country are because of drugs and the CIA bringing the drugs in like by the planeload. Transcript of 12 hours of radio interview of Chip Tatum on Intelligence Report. Ted Gundersson interviewe 1999.

Retired FBI Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson has compiled boxes of research and has assembled numberous reports describing unimaginable "operations" of treachery, sadistic savagery, degradation, abuse, and murder inflicted by intelligence agents of the United States government against its own citizenry, especially children.

The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders". The Finders is one of the most alarming and despicable covert operations against America's children that Gunderson helped to uncover, but it's only one of many covert Gestapo-like acts committed against American citizens by government agents under directives issued not by Congress or the President, but rather by international Satanists collectively known as the Illuminati, who control the Secret or Shawdow government of the United States as well as every other major government in the world. The "Finders" operation began in the 1960's and continues kidnapping children to this very day.

Demons in human form in terms of their absolute evil they commit had the below seven videos starting below Video taken off You Tube but here is a replacement:

FBI Division Chief Ted Gunderson - CIA and Satanism


Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 1/7

Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 2/7

Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 3/7

Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 4/7

Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 5/7

Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 6/7

Former FBI Ted Gunderson: CIA and Satanic Ritual Abuse 7/7

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye: Communist World Government: 1841: The World-Historic Split in Western Philosophy The "Expurgation of Hegelianism"

Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye: Communist World Government: 1841: The World-Historic Split in Western Philosophy The "Expurgation of Hegelianism"

Communist World Government: 1841: The World-Historic Split in Western Philosophy The "Expurgation of Hegelianism"

One of the most explicit Hegelian and Machiavellian Political Scientists and Saboteurs in the top echelons of the Bavarian Black Guelph Illuminist New World Order (the controlling power behind Western and Communist and Israeli Intelligence Agencies) is Heinz (aka Henry) Kissinger. Hegelian: Crisis Creation, Conflict Resolution, Top Down Centralized Collectivized Political Control - is his specialty. Benjamin Netanyahu and American Presidents, amongst others, take their marching orders from him. Kissinger is a Zionist and also has stated that the Holy Roman Empire should be brought back into being. This has been in the works for a long time and is being accomplished now in the 1956 Rome Treaty based Pan European Union. The overt invasion of Palestine, the Naqba, dates from 1948.

Below is a partial lineage of Kissinger: 

Weishaupt's second-in-command, Baron von Knigge, had also struck up a friendship with Mauvillon - to the benefit of the Illuminati. In a letter to Weishaupt, he writes: "I have now found in Cassel the best man, on whom I cannot congratulate ourselves enough: he is Mauvillon, Grand Master of one of the Royal York Lodges. So with him we have the whole lodge in our hands. He has also got from there all their miserable degrees." [NW: 210]

Meggenhofen, Ferdinand Baron von (1760-1790)SullaRegiments auditor, Burghausen; Captain in the Bavarian service              
Metternich, Franz Georg Karl von (1746-1818)XimenezImperial Ambassador at CoblenzPrince Clemens Metternich (son) -> the Rothschilds and Henry Kissinger          

Metternich was a diplomat, his son Count Clemens Metternich followed in his father's footsteps; very famous in his time and one of the principal negotiators of the Congress of Vienna, he also became involved with the Rothschilds. Interestingly, Henry Kissinger would write his PhD thesis in 1957 on the life of Clemens Metternich, titled A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-22. 57
57 For the Rothschild connection see Business Week's review - The Richest Dynasty in History - of Niall Ferguson's THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848. Kissinger's thesis on Metternich is easy enough to confirm. N.B.: I just received a copy of Ferguson's book on the Rothschilds yesterday (Aug. 4th); there is indeed a wealth of information on Metternich and others connected with the Illuminati (such as the Hesse-Kassel family). I will start reading it soon, and probably use some of the info when I post part two of this Illuminati research. ˆ (From: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Illuminati.htm)

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was born as an American offshoot of Cecil Rhodes's British Round Table. Its roster has included most of the presidents and secretaries of state for the last six decades. Henry Kissinger was inducted as a young academic and the CFR published his breakthrough book, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, in which Kissinger originated the idea of "winnable" nuclear war. (From: http://www.theunexplainedmysteries.com/bavarian-illuminati.html)

From: Terrorism and the Illuminati by David Livingstone

The Trails of Henry Kissinger


The Trails of Henry Kissinger

See video
Click on Picture or links for Video at Site

The Trails of Henry Kissinger


The 1001 Club - Incomplete Membership List

1001 Club Incomplete Membership List
from ExposureOfHiddenInstitutions Website 

Kissinger, Heinz "Henry " Alfred
Henry Kissinger was born in the Bavarian city of Fuerth. He was a son of Louis and Paula Stern Kissinger. The elder Kissinger was a school teacher and after Hitler's rise to power, the family immigrated to London in 1938. After a short stay, they moved to Washington Heights in New York City. Recruited by Fritz Kraemer during WWII. Served in the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps 1943-1946. Captain in the Military Intelligence Reserve 1946-1949. Executive director Harvard International Seminar 1951-1969. Consultant to the Operations Research Office 1950-1961, a John Hopkins University think tank about psychological warfare and under contract to the Department of the Army. Director Psychological Strategy Board 1952. Member of the Department of Government, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1954-1969. Consultant Operations Coordinating Board 1955. Study director of nuclear weapons and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations 1955-1956. Director Special Studies Project for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund 1956-1958. Author of 'Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy', released in 1957. Consultant Weapons Systems Evaluation Group of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1959-1960. Consultant National Security Council 1961-1962. Consultant RAND Corporation 1961-1968. Consultant United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 1961-1968. Consultant to the Department of State 1965-1968. Nixon's National Security Advisor 1969-1973. Secretary of State 1973-1977. Made two secret trips to China in 1971 to confer with Premier Zhou Enlai. Negotiated the SALT I and ABM treaty with the Soviet Union. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. Made other secret trips to China in later years to make extremely sensitive intelligence exchanges. Robert C. McFarlane was among those who went to China with Kissinger, in his case between 1973 and 1976. Negotiated the end of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Said to have played a role in the 1973 Augusto Pinochet coup. Approved President Suharto's invasion of East-Timor in 1973, which resulted in a bout 250,000 dead communists and socialists.
Suspected of having been involved in Operation Condor which started around 1975 and was an assassination and intelligence gathering operation on 3 continents. Director Council on Foreign Relations 1977-1981. Annual visitor of Bilderberg since at least the 1970s. Annual visitor of the Trilateral Commission since the late 1970s. Visited Le Cercle. Member of the 1001 Club and the Pilgrims Society. Visitor of Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay. Founder of Kissinger Associates in 1982, a secretive consulting firm to international corporations. Some of the first members to join Kissinger Associates were Brent Scowcroft (vice-chairman), Lawrence Eagleburger (president), Lord Carrington, Lord Roll of Ipsden, Pehr Gyllenhammar, and Viscount Etienne Davignon. Some served until 1989, others were still active for Kissinger Associates in the late 1990s. Chairman National Bipartisan Commission on Central America 1983-1984. Appointed chairman of AIG's advisory council in 1987. Director of the Atlanta branch of the Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) from 1985 to 1991. This was during the 1989 BNL Affair in which it became known that the Atlanta branch had made $4 billion in unreported loans to Iraq. After the revelation, the money was said to be used by the Iraqis to buy food and agriculture equipment, but in reality they were buying loads of military equipment. Founded the America-China Society in 1987, mainly with co-Pilgrims Society member Cyrus Vance. His aide Robert C. McFarlane also played a role. Member Atlantic Council of the United States. Member of the Council of Advisors of the United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. Trustee of the Center Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Arthur F Burns Fellowship, the Institute of International Education, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Honorary Governor of the Foreign Policy Association. Patron of the Atlantic Partnership and the New Atlantic Initiative. Chairman of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, the Nixon Center, and the American Academy in Berlin. Co-chairman of the Editorial Board of 'The National Interest' magazine. Chancellor of the College William and Mary. Honorary chairman World Cup USA 1994 (Kissinger has attended football matches with his friend and colleague Etienne Davignon). Named Honorary Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George, 1995. Director Freeport-McMoRan 1995-2001. Director of Conrad Black's Hollinger International Inc. Member of J.P. Morgan's International Advisory Council. Former member of the Advisory Council of Forstmann Little & Co. and American Express. Advisor to China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC). Member of the Europe Strategy Board of Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst. Director of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and Revlon. Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the American International Group (AIG), a partner of Kissinger Associates. Also chairman of the Advisory Boards of AIG Asian Infrastructure Funds I & II and a director of AIG Global. In 2000 Henry Kissinger was quoted by Business Wire: "Hank Greenberg, Pete Peterson and I have been close friends and business associates for decades." Maurice Greenburg is head of AIG and Peter G. Peterson is head of The Blackstone Group, which is the other major partner of Kissinger Associates. Peterson is also a former chairman of Lehman Brothers. Kissinger is a friend of Lynn Forester and introduced her to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at the 1998 Bilderberg conference. They would soon become married. When Henry Kissinger is invited to speak at the United Nations Association on April 11, 2001 Lord Jacob Rothschild is flanking his side. Picked as the initial head of the 9/11 investigating committee in 2003, although he turned out to be too controversial to remain in that position. Henry Kissinger is a trustee of the Open Russia Foundation since 2001, together with Lord Jacob Rothschild. The Foundation was set up by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a controversial oligarch, later locked up by Putin. Honorary trustee of the Aspen Institute. Because of previous international attempts by European and South American judges to question him, he is known to take legal advice before traveling to certain countries in either continent.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Homeland security unveils $835,000 RV

Homeland security unveils $835,000 RV

Cordell Eddings – Indystar.com June 7, 2006

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security revealed its newest tool for protecting Hoosiers today: a brand new 53-foot mobile command center.

The expandable dark blue trailer boasts three rooms that can accommodate a crew of 21, each workstation with its own separate phone line, and individual laptops backed up by two separate servers. Several large flat screen televisions are among other amenities such as a coffee maker and microwave.

State officials said the advantage of the mobile command unit is its ability to facilitate communication between multiple emergency response agencies in the event of an emergency. The vehicle's 52-foot antenna aids communication and is fitted with a 360-degree pan-zoom camera.

“This vehicle, for all intents and purposes, is a mirror image on wheels of our State Emergency Operation Center from a capabilities perspective,” said homeland security Emergency Response Director Phil Roberts.

The command center’s $835,000 price tag was covered by federal homeland security grants allotted to the Indiana over the last two years. Although some counties have obtained their own vehicles, the state's command center is the most expensive in Indiana.

Last updated 11/06/2006